Dear readers, I would love to tell you that I can manage to edit a book, run a B&B, be a good mother, and keep my house and garden tidy at the same time.
But sadly if I did I would be lying.
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Catching up with the laundry mountain |
I would love to be the sort of blogger who leads a life to which other bloggers aspire, in a house filled with sunlight whatever the season, where the dogs sleep on clean blankets of patchwork and crochet, with a garden where one can take a photograph anywhere and be confronted with a vision of loveliness and distinguished plantings.
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Did someone mention a crochet blanket? |
And yesterday I could have started on that route to the pink and pineapple of perfection by addressing the dog-hair, ankle-deep in the sitting room, or polishing the windows to improve the light-levels indoors. Maybe I could even have done a little light weeding in the aim of getting to grips with the bindweed, creeping buttercup and ground elder which threaten to overwhelm my flowerbeds.
I pegged up my sadly deficient dog blankets that seemed to have taken on the appearance of ragged old bathtowels, splotched with sinister-looking stains which are highly resistant to the boil wash, and sighed.
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Dreaming of a tartan blanket to sleep on |
I looked at the bedrooms of my absent boys: the Ploughboy's is merely grubby and unkempt, whereas that of the General one could categorize as a health hazard and threatening to the fabric of the house. There is very little floor space available for standing in, even if I wanted to attempt some sort of fumigation.
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A strong aroma of mouse |
Then I heard the caressing tones of Dr Mark Porter on Radio 4 (trust him implicitly, he is a doctor) recommending the benefits of vitamin D as an anti-inflammatory (this is why TB patients were made to sunbathe in winter).
I need such treatment, I thought. So I took up my knitting, heaved a chair onto the grass,
and I sat and basked in the sunshine, in order maximize my intake of anti-inflammatory vitamin D.
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Very soothing |
And I thought that you might like to know that the result of my experiment was to feel very much better, so I can highly recommend its efficacy, and anti-inflammatory nature - the experience of such therapy was distinctly healing.
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Sunning oneself |
However, it does not seem to work for dogs. As two out of the three were sick on the grass, I cannot affirm its effectiveness in canines.
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I think I am going to be sick |
So the moral of the story is that if you are feeling a little inflamed, then go and expose your body to sunlight (trust me, I am a doctor).
But don't forget your knitting ...
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Ada at Vintage Sheet Addict, Lush at Diegoagogo, Nancy McCarroll at Art, Crafts and Favourites, Jane Sorgetz at Atelier de Artes, Gillian at Tales From A Happy House, Gigibird, and Ellimay (I couldn't find your blog, so do let me know if you have one).
A genteel good afternoon to some lovely new friends and charmed to meet you, I am sure.
You are absolutely right, I know an awful lot about Vitamin D deficiency! We all need to be out there enjoying the sun! At least 20 mins of this should be WITHOUT sun block ( otherwise our bodies can't absorb the vit D). So get out in the sun whenever you can, leave the housework, potter in the garden, and enjoy! Ada :)
i love your fur babies, they are so cute...Love that nice yard also..
lovely post...
What a lovely post, it made me smile. None of us is perfect, I constantly am like a hamster on a wheel of household chores and pesky work, whilst dreaming of crafting and the seaside...
PS Ashamed to admit I found a bit of Small Dog's dried sick on my sofa the other day (eeeuugh) x
Oh I'm a big fan of vitamin D, in fact I think Meditteranean holidays should be on prescription!!
I suspect, despite the photographs in blogland, that no ones house is perfect, cropping is a wonderful thing!! ;)
Vivienne x
I regularly give up on blogs that present too perfect a life. They make me feel inadequate - plus I cynically think they are lying. So therefore I highly appreciated this post. Thank you!
Nothing beats a bit of vitaminD intake and some crafty time!
Victoria xx
You sound like the perfect mother to me Pomona!! Who says you have to edit a book, run a B&B and keep your house and garden tidy at the same time :-). I think most of us can't manage!!
Have a lovely evening!
Madelief x
(with a huge pile of washing in the cupboard to be ironed :-))
Lovely post, I used to enter my daughters bedroom when she was at home with care, as more often than not I would exit always wearing an extra pair of tights or knickers, caught around my feet!
The sun definitely works
Thea x
Life would be boring if we were all perfect! Spending time crocheting in the garden is such a better use of your time and so much more enjoyable!
Sarah x
Loved this post. If you did have that perfect house etc I doubt if we'd believe you were real so I wouldn't worry it is always good to know that one isn't the only one in the same predicament and I don't have the excuse of running a B&B nor all the other things you mention. How can two elderly pensioners make such a mess I wonder or maybe it's that this elderly pensioner hasn't yet got the hang of housework! At least your dogs were sick on the grass our carpet is blotched with stains where the cats wait till they get indoors somewhere nice and comfy to be sick!! I think Vit D is a wonderful cure - the doctor told my mother who suffered with osteoporosis to "dash out in the garden when the sun is shining" so yet another doctor who believed in its effacious powers!
I am so glad that your house and garden are imperfect, as it means that you are a real person! Aspirational blogs do nothing for a girl's self esteem sometimes. THanks for a shout out. My house is a tip and my garden overgrown. But I did manage some crochet in the sun this week and felt much better for it! x
Why, thanks for the plug! And hope the vitamin D is keeping you healthy and happy!
Oh, poor doggies (the being sick bit, not the state of their blankets - ours get covered with burs from the 'lawn' at this time of year)! 8000 pounds per room? Oh dear... I just had to give Son 1 a strong hint about keeping his door closed when I'm teaching, as his room is opposite the teaching room. It's a nasty shock for delicate pupils to peer into the clutter and strewn clothes...
Looks like the perfect plan to me! Although you'd have been stuffed up here, it rained most of the day...
Oh you poor dear. It is horrid when everything seems to just creep up, you don't notice it, then one day you wake up and the house looks dreadful!
We all have those days, even the happy, beautiful blog owners have those days...
You dogs are adorable, especially the little black one. He reminds me of my sister's dog sometimes.
Enjoy your sunshine and knitting - sometimes we need a break!
My house is suffering from the Summer gadabouts and a seemingly robust spider population. I have had two days of alone in the house looking about in disgust, but instead of tidying I have been glued to the computer trying to catch up with all sorts of falling behind, and catching a few doses of vitamin D as I can. It does do wonders. The only issue with my outside time is then I can see the garden which is in just as bad a state as my house. To keep from worry, I have taken to shutting my eyes in the sun and letting my mind click and whir as it will.
I should take up a hook and some yarn to distract me from the mess!
You're right, I definitely need to head off to the Caribbean! I applaud you for not berating the youngsters, I'd definitely be beating mine with a stick! You garden looks charming anyway, especially with the high furry friend contingent. Glad your treatment worked.
Hen xxx
I blame this change in the weather. The sun beams are highlighting all the dusty windows, skulking dust bunnies and forgotten socks. Bah! Perfection is over rated. Although I'm sure our dog would vote for a patchwork quilt in her basket.
When we lived in Alaska, and had very little light during the day I had to make myself go out at lunch just to soak up the sun, and then I started tanning once a week and I have to say, it made a huge difference! I'm glad you feel better and I hope you take the chance to continue enjoying the sun when you can!
So true, and the perfect excuse for lolling in the sun - which is much more pleasant than taking a supplement.
Congratulations on launching the admirals. :)
There is a reason you don't see many pics of Knitso Towers, that's all I'm saying. That and life's too short to waste time on dust and dog hair ;)
I shall do as the doctor ordered and spend the rest of the day in the sun ;D
PS I wonder if the whippets dream of rugs with go-faster stripes?
Excellent post! Made me chuckle. I expect most of us are in the same situation. Enjoy your time outside today but beware the dog barf on the grass!
Think it might stop raining here later on, then I'll venture out too...
I love to see you sweet dogs. My old girl is laying out in the sun right now and I am going to join her. Have a nice day :-)
Hi Pomona..I don't think any living blogger lives a permanently sunlit life! I had to crop out a spiderweb before uploading my pics this afternoon. I totally get the dog hair episodes is rare that we are not experiencing at least one dog moulting..I cannot understand why they don't just get it over and done with at the same time either...hehe!
This post was a breath of fresh air, Pomona, and I thank you for it!
We have to get our Vitamin D while we can, it's been in such short supply this year. I don't blame you for soaking it up, it sounds like a blissful afternoon, and I'm so glad that it's made you feel better. I love seeing your doggies, they're such cuties.
Sunlight and knitting sounds like heaven! Your garden looks lovely to me.
xo Lilly
The way you wrote this lovely post made me smile ...
I still have a lot to do in the house and the garden, I think I spend too much time blogging :-)
Love your dogs, they are so cute !
Nice weekend,
I have an on0going battle with my house and only really manage to gain any battle ground during the school holidays!
I have just finished my first week back at work and I am determind to sit in the garden this weekend in the sun( if I have any) and crochet a bag handle. I shall let you know if I am cured on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend, what are you knitting by the way?
Sunshine definitely has a feel good factor for me. Make sure you make the most of it while it lasts - and don't stress, you have loads on your plate and I'm certain your house-regulation is no worse than mine or many others. Juliex
I partook of a dose of Vit D last week when the sun came to did feel very good. Not a stitch of crafting was done, I read instead and it was wonderful. I hope to indulge again on Tuesday, my day off work and it is surposed to be 21 deg.
So good to see you back!! Your garden looks lovely.
xo Sandi
Hi, I've just found your lovely blog through Cheryl's My Little Piece of England. Your doggies are so sweet. I do patchwork and crochet but my house is certainly never perfect as I'm sure my photos show! Please visit my blog if you get a minute. I'd love to see you there. Maggie xx
I'm a great believer in sunshine, though how ever much i believe the sun hasn't come out at all often enough this summer in Scotland! Knitting in the garden sounds wonderful....
Dogs+garden+ knitting is therapy in itself
sunshine an added bonus.
Super clean and tidy is not necessarily thereputic at all.
Lived in and relaxed is good.
If everyone was a paragon of perfect living how dull it would be.
ps totally envious of your blue wool. I wonder if it is available in the US?
what a thoroughly reassuring post:) like virtual vitamin D in this bloggy world. thank you!
I think your garden looks splendid. When taking photos i have to avoid holes and construction waste, usually not terribly successfully! It seems to me knitting in the garden is just about the best cure to anything there is, I expect if the dogs could knit they would have taken to the treatment much better. - Annie
I share your philosophy, Pomona. I can also confirm that sunshine is awfully good for you in reasonable doses. I have three mucky kids and their respective bedrooms to think about but at least, as we are renting, they are not devaluing the house. I take comfort from that thought...
Your garden looks heavenly Pomona :) that's what life should be like all the time, knitting in the sunshine, enjoy! safxxx
Blogger is not playing fair with me, Pomona. I seem to be the only person in the blogging universe not to know you have posted. Most frustrating. Fortunately your words and ideas have soothed by harrowed brow - can one have a harrowed brow? - and I now hold my head up high as I peruse the crumbs on the floor and the pile of laundry spilling over the garage floor. Thank you Pomona, and three cheers for vitamin D!
Good old vitamin D - it can work all sorts of magic....even on the grumpiest of days.
Thank you for your words - things are settling in OK.
Nina x
Don't know about the vitamins, nor the sunshine but reading this has lifted my spirits and made me smile! Thanks!
I love the comment from lavender attic about being a "hamster on the wheel of household chores" we all need to take your wise prescription and take a bit of time in the sun to relax and craft ...I aim to do so immediately myself!
Having stayed with you twice I know that you manage very well although I have not seen the boys bedrooms!! Your garden is lovely and inviting.
Those blogs where everything appears perfect are not very real. I know you agree that life is to be lived not looked at.
Thanks for the info. I did not know that Vit. D was anti-inflamatory. Another reason for me to be out in the sun. Hope you get some well earned rest.
Hi's been a while...thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you and your loved ones are keeping in optimum health!
Loving wishes
Nat xx
Hi Cal...gosh so much has changed since I was here last...I thought I posted a comment b4 but it seems, it didn't publish lol I have to learn the new ways of doing things!
Thank you for visiting my blog, it was good to see you again (virtually of course).
Loving wishes
Nat xx
I love your blog. I'm also glad I'm not the only one who feels slightly daunted when reading blogs that show perfect people and perfect families with perfect lives. I was starting to feel slightly inadequate :-) Love your cute dogs too. Kay
Hi Pomona - thanks for finding me the other day and leaving a comment only blog. Great post to read - especially after writing my one about the state of my house the other day! Also... you have a Border! We do too. So lovely. xx
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